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William Street Improvements

September 2024 Update

Erie County is actively working with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) on a few procedural items, including transferring the funding to this project.  Unfortunately this has slightly delayed the schedule, however, all parties are still committed to getting this project done!  The schedule below has been updated accordingly.  The public hearing will take place in the winter/spring of 2025 to present the preferred design alternative and answer any questions you may have.

At this time no action is required on your part. Notice will be provided to all the residents once the public hearing date is scheduled. Periodic updates will also be provided on this project website. Please continue to check back!

March 2023 Update

After extensive discussion between Erie County and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), funding has been secured and a preferred preliminary design alternative has been identified.  A public hearing will be scheduled later this year to present the preferred design alternative and answer any questions you may have. There will be numerous right-of-way (ROW) acquisitions required to complete the project. NYSDOT will be acquiring the property and will be reaching out to all affected owners.

At this time no action is required on your part. Notice will be provided to all the residents once the public hearing date is scheduled. Periodic updates will also be provided on this project website. Please continue to check back!

March 2022 Update

The project team would like to thank everyone for providing your feedback on this important project! We are in the process of reviewing all the comments received and determining the best design for the corridor. Once complete, we will be working with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to determine which options we can fit in our budget.

We anticipate having another public information meeting this summer to share the preferred alternative. Notice will be provided to all the residents along with updated information on this project website. Please continue to check for periodic updates.

Thank you again for your continued interest in this project!

About the Project

The Erie County Department of Public Works is progressing the William Street Improvement Project. The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate nearly 2.85 miles of roadway between Transit Road and Bowen Road. The exact goals of this project are still unknown, however, potential improvements could include milling and overlay of the existing pavement, widened shoulders, a center two way left turn lane from Transit to Aurora, addition of sidewalks and drainage improvements.

Input from the public is needed at this time! Please let us know what you would like to see included in the project!

More details about the project can be found using the following links:

Please click here to view the project schematics.

Please click here to view the comment form.

Location Map

Project Schedule

Contact Us

Please use the email below to submit your questions and/or comments.
