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Vital Access Provider Clinics – North Medical Center and Northeast Medical

Vital Access Provider clinics provide better integration between behav­ioral health services and primary medical care. Two new outpatient mental health clinics were added at the North Medical Center in Liverpool, NY, and the Northeast Medical Center in Fayetteville, NY. Each clinic is in a facility with exist­ing primary care practices. C&S provided full architectural, me­chanical, plumbing, electrical, and life safety design for the new clinic spaces.

Both clinics are modest in size—3,620 square feet at North Medical and 2,350 square feet at Northeast Medical—but are configured for expansion into adjacent space that will nearly double their size. The position of staff areas, recep­tion, and waiting were carefully designed to stay centrally located after expansion. The suite at Northeast Medical has the advan­tage of exterior windows, and the design locates counseling spaces along the windows so clients have daylight exposure and exterior views.

Interior1Waiting areaInterior2