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Transportation Connectivity Plan

C&S developed Livingston County’s Transportation Connectivity Plan to guide the development of a transportation system that meets the needs of all potential users and all modes of travel, while protecting and preserving natural resources, and providing economic benefits and choices for residents and visitors.

A range of strategies for improving community mobility were developed after conducting an inventory and analysis of existing and projected future conditions, focusing on data that was most pertinent for decision making and plan development. The plan acknowledged that the community’s sustainable transportation system will evolve over time. In addition to identifying recommendations for capital projects, services, and programs, there is a need to establish planning guidelines to ensure future development will progress the goal of a non-automobile dominated environment.

The plan was developed through a community-based planning and collaborative process. The process itself was the foundation for fostering partnerships and connections among the county, its 26 municipalities, and numerous private and non-profit agencies that provide transportation services or have transportation needs. The public communication and promotion plan included steering committee coordination, stakeholder interviews, a public online survey, public informational meetings, project branding, as well as overall public education and project promotion.

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