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Taxiway Y South Reconstruction

Wayne County Airport Authority | Detroit, Michigan

The Wayne County Airport Authority retained C&S to provide design, bidding, and construction services for the Taxiway Y South Reconstruction project.
This project was conducted under an existing on-call services contract. The project was a reconstruction of the parallel taxiway to Runway 4R-22L, the airport’s primary departure runway. The project, located adjacent to the MacNamara and North Terminals, was in one of the busiest portions of the airfield.
C&S led a large project team whose scope included the following:

  • Analysis and recommendation of pavement reconstruction options and programming reports.
  • Analysis and geometric alternatives for the relocation of Taxiway K7. This relocation addressed an existing direct access RIM program priority item.
  • Pavement reconstruction of 3500 LF of Taxiway Y and reconstruction of portions of taxiway connectors, Taxiway B, Taxiway K5, Taxiway K6, Taxiway, K7 and Taxiway K8.
  • Design and sizing of 2500 LF of replacement storm sewer. Due to system constraint the system was sized to provide additional in line capacity to allow for long term resiliency of the system.
  • Design of replacement taxiway edge lighting and guidance signage systems.
    Design of the realignment of a portion of the water main and sanitary sewer to improve the reliability of the existing systems.
  • Facilitation of a sustainability workshop. Findings were applied to the project design to incorporate sustainable practices into the project bid.
  • Review and update of Runway to Taxiway Separation Modification to Standard documentation to the FAA ADIP system. The FAA approved MOS prior to project bidding.
  • Development of a detailed construction safety phasing plan to minimize operational impacts and expedite construction. This included shifting of taxiway markings and incorporating expedited night work phases into the project design.
  • Bidding support and analysis services.
  • Construction administration and observation services.

“The Detroit Metro Taxiway Y South project was an incredible team effort between the C&S Team, the Wayne County Airport Authority, FAA and the contractor, Toebe Construction, LLC.. We are very proud of this award-winning project, which was done early and under budget.” Aaron Aljets, Principal Engineer

This project was a proud winner of the Award of Excellence from Michigan Concrete Association