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Taxiway Y North Reconstruction

As part of an existing on-call services contract, the Wayne County Airport Authority retained C&S to provide design, bidding, and construction services for the Taxiway Y North Reconstruction project. The project was a reconstruction of the parallel taxiway to Runway 4R-22L, the airport’s primary departure runway. The project, located adjacent to the McNamara and North Terminals, was in one of the busiest portions of the airfield.

Leading a large project team, C&S’s scope included the pavement reconstruction of 3,500 linear feet of Taxiway Y and the reconstruction of portions of several taxiways and connectors. Prior to the reconstruction, our team analyzed and provided recommendations for various elements of the overall design including pavement reconstruction options, as well as geometric alternatives for the relocation of Taxiway K7, which addressed an existing direct access RIM program priority item. Other infrastructure improvements included the design of a storm sewer, taxiway edge lighting and guidance signage, and the realignment of a portion of water main and sanitary sewer. A detailed construction safety phasing plan was developed to minimize operational impacts and expedite construction.

Our team facilitated a sustainability workshop during the project. Findings were applied to the project design to incorporate sustainable practices into the project bid. C&S also provided construction administration and observation services.

Taxiway Y North ReconstructionTaxiway Y North ReconstructionTaxiway Y North Reconstruction
Taxiway Y North Reconstruction