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Step 3 Brownfield Opportunity Area

C&S led a consultant team to create a visionary, yet realistic, implementation strategy for the conceptual planning created during the Step 2 BOA project. This Step 3 BOA project focused on four strategic subareas within the overall study area, the redevelopment of which is expected to catalyze the revitalization of the entire area. The work included engineering design and cost benefit analyses to help identify the most appropriate steps to achieve redevelopment as well as phase I and II environmental site assessments at four strategic sites to obtain private developer interest in the properties.

As the prime consultant, C&S directed the project, which included maintaining the budget and ensuring schedule compliance. In addition, C&S had a large technical role developing a brownfield inventory, prioritizing the brownfield sites, and performing phase I/II environmental site assessments at four strategic sites. C&S also completed the transportation and utility engineering studies to assess conditions and capacity and identify weakness in the systems. Our work also included preparing marketing materials in order to obtain private development interest in the brownfield sites within the study area.

playgroundmap of brownfield area