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State Street Bridge over Owasco River

C&S provided design phases I-VI for this locally administered federally aided bridge replacement project. The existing bridge, a single 73-foot span steel multi-girder superstructure built in 1980, will be replaced with a galvanized steel multi-girder superstructure designed to accommodate the AASHTO HL-93 and New York State Department of Transportation design permit vehicles. The existing hydraulic opening will be held. The new deck will provide two, 15-foot shared us lanes; two 11-foot parking lanes; and two 11-foot. sidewalks.  Black painted four rail steel bridge rail with decorative end pilasters will be used. Project roadwork associated with this raise included pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, and utility relocation and refreshment. Water, natural gas, telecommunication lines will be sup-ported by the new structure. The bridge will be closed to traffic during construction.  Traffic will be detoured on to local city streets.  C&S will also be providing construction inspection services.

State Street bridge side viewState Street wallState Street bridgeState street wall undersideState Street pathway
State Street bridge side view