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Runway Incursion Mitigation

C&S was the prime engineer for an important safety project to address three hot spots identified at Orlando Executive Airport that required mitigation.

Hot Spot No. 1 was a large hold bay at the Runway 7 end that no longer met FAA criteria. This project removed existing Taxiway E4 and the hold pad at the Runway 7 end. For the base bid, a new taxiway connector from an extension of Taxiway A (from Runway 13-31 to the end of Runway 7) was built to meet standards for a Boeing 737 BBJ (ADG-III, TDG aircraft) and constructed of a bituminous asphalt concrete pavement section. Ancillary items included a drainage system and basin modifications; new airfield edge lighting, signage, and markings along the constructed areas; and updates to the airport lighting control and monitoring system (ALCMS) and electrical vault.

The project included two alternate bids for additional pavement geometry. The first constructed three hold bays for aircraft to perform ground run-ups prior to taxiing. This alternate was built for smaller aircraft like the Cessna 172 or a small Learjet. A second alternate extended one of the hold bays to connect into Runway 7-25 for another taxiway for Boeing 737 BBJ aircraft.

Unique project challenges included:

  • A new parallel taxiway constructed through an existing pond. Settlement monitoring was required.
  • Nighttime construction minimized disruption to the main runway.
  • Evaluation of 10 layout options for the hold bays.
Runway Incursion Mitigation Project