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Envision Platinum Award & Sustainability Integration into IND Runway 5R/23L

C&S led the sustainability and Envision administration efforts for the strengthening and enhancement of Runway 5R-23L and Taxiway D, critical facilities which support the majority of FedEx, CargoLux and DHL operations at IND. The $183M project seeks to address the increased demand for air cargo capacity and enhance the resilience of the Airport’s infrastructure used to carry freight and accommodate large cargo aircraft. C&S facilitated a sustainability charrette at the onset of design, engaging with IAA representatives and end users of the airfield infrastructure to identify sustainability opportunities related to climate, resilience, and resource conservation.

C&S worked closely with the engineering team to develop and seek FAA approval for IAA’s first ever low carbon concrete specification for Portland Cement Concrete. The specification incorporates in-situ carbon dioxide mineralization technology, allowing for carbon sequestration in the mix design and sets a global warming potential (GWP) target to reduce the project’s overall carbon impact. The project received an Envision Platinum award, the highest level of sustainability achievement.

Key highlights of the project included:

  • Reducing emissions and fuel use during construction and operation
    • 1.75M tons CO2 & 550,000 tons Jet A fuel
  • Conserving materials and resources
    • 100% on-site soil reuse & recycled concrete runway base
  • Adoption of first ever FAA approved concrete mix design that includes carbon sequestration technology
  • Full depth pavement reconstruction will extend useful life of runway
  • Improved safety and operational efficiencies through geometry upgrades
  • Use of innovative trapezoidal shaped grooving to reduce operational water consumption by 50%