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Roswell Cancer Cell Center Lab Renovation

C&S provided full architec­tural, engineering design and construction administra­tion services for the laborato­ry renovations on the third, fourth, and fifth floors of the Extramural Research Center Immunotherapy program at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI).

The architectural work included assist­ing RPCI with space programming, life safety evaluations for exiting distances, ADA accessibility, new room finishes, and casework for the lab spaces. Existing cold rooms were also refurbished.

  • The fire protection system included the installa­tion of wet-pipe fire suppression sprinklers on the affected floors connected to an existing Class III standpipe system.
  • The mechanical engineer­ing scope included evaluation, demolition, and design of a new air handling system. New work included pumps, fans, heat ex­changers, and ductwork routing for the new programmed spaces.
  • The plumbing scope included natural gas drops, DI water, new sinks, compressed air outlets, lab vacuum outlets, eye wash sta­tions, and emergency showers.
  • The electrical scope included reusing the existing distribution system, and recon­figuring the branch circuiting to accom­modate the power and lighting
  • Wire­less and data drops/data closets in the offices were designed as well as a new freezer alarm system

The NIH guidelines required an extensive investigation into all existing mechanical systems serv­ing the third, fourth, and fifth floors to determine if the existing systems had the necessary capac­ity and redundancy.
