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Reconstruction of Runway 4L/22R and Associated Taxiways

As part of a large design team, C&S completed base mapping and designed the construction safety phasing plan, demolition plans, grading, sustainable construction measures, utility improvements, grooving, fencing, and technical specifications for the complete rehabilitation of Runway 4L-22R, Parallel Taxiway A, End Around Taxiway Q, and associated entrance/exit connector taxiways at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport.

The $84 million project was divided into three separate bid packages to accommodate complex phasing and construction seasonal requirements. C&S developed bid documents to create a new airport operations area (AOA) security perimeter fence so runway and taxiway pavement reconstruction could be completed outside the AOA. For demolition design, C&S developed and evaluated several alternatives considering cost, constructability and ease of means and methods, sustainability, and airspace requirements.

C&S also led the integration of sustainability into the project, facilitating a charrette at the onset of design to identify opportunities. As part of the follow-through, C&S applied the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision guidance and supported the pursuit of an award. The project received the Envision Silver award, becoming only the second ever airfield project to be certified.

C&S was also responsible for daily construction inspection, including pavements, drainage, electrical, and fencing.

Detroit runway constructionrunway constructionDetroit runwayDetroit RW 4L-22R
Detroit runway construction