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Pineville Bridge Replacement

C&S designed a complete replacement of Pineville Bridge (CR48) over the Salmon River. The project received an ACEC New York Silver Award for Engineering Excellence. The bridge is a vital link to a NYSDEC Fishing Access adjacent to the bridge, residences and area motels, and safe passage of emergency vehicles. The 96-year-old, single-lane, existing truss bridge was replaced with a new 320-foot two-span continuous, steel multi-girder bridge with span lengths of 92 and 138 feet. The concrete abutments and pier are supported by drilled shafts socketed into rock. Aesthetic elements such as brown powder coated guide rail, weathering steel girders, and a stone form liner finish on the abutments and pier, help the new bridge blend into the surrounding area. The project design included right-of-way acquisition, temporary occupancy of the NYSDEC owned lands, utility relocations, and storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) design.