
LACCD Utilities Assessment

C&S was part of a team selected to provide complete underground utility systems surveying and comprehensive mapping of existing wet and dry utilities to the Los Angeles Community College District. The assessment was completed to update and obtain accurate data for future site development, district archiving, and access to accurate campus infrastructure records for the nine campuses. This project accurately and comprehensively documented the horizontal and vertical positions of underground utilities (e.g. electrical, natural gas, storm drain, sanitary sewer, telecommunication, fiber optic, non-potable irrigation, and domestic/fire water). In addition, assessments of the existing condition of each underground utility system were provided.

C&S provided storm drain and electrical infrastructure assessments for nine campuses. The assessment reports provided a comprehensive database to properly identify projects, plan and prioritize, manage and renovate underground utility projects based on condition evaluation.

The reports also included estimated replacement values, estimated maintenance costs, frequency of maintenance, and developed a renewal schedule for each utility system including life expectancy assessments.