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Terminal Apron Reconstruction and Expansion

After experiencing record passenger growth and one of the largest enplanement increases in the U.S. in 2018, the Gerald R. Ford International Airport decided to accelerate its capital program and expand Concourse A. Prior to the concourse expansion, the terminal apron needed to be reconstructed and expanded.

The $50 million project included 215,000 square yards of new 16-inch Portland cement concrete pavement and was constructed over 3 years utilizing a multi-phased approach. The project also involved replacing and upgrading other infrastructure around the terminal building and concourses including the stormwater drainage system, underdrains, water mains, sanitary sewer, high-mast lighting, taxiway edge lighting and airfield signage. A new automated system for the collection and disposal of deicing glycol was also installed, which significantly reduces labor intensive operations, increases the longevity of the pavement, and improves safety for vehicles, aircraft and workers utilizing the apron.

During the life of this complex project, the team experienced challenges that included coordination of concurrent projects, near-zero float schedule requirements, abnormal weather, and a once-in-a-century pandemic. The partnership and communication between the Airport Authority, stakeholders, contractor, and consultant team proved crucial to the successful completion of this award-winning project.

Airfield Constructionapron constructionglycol recoveryterminal apronterminal apronterminal apron
Airfield Construction