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Genesee Street Paving

Winner of the 2018 APWA Transportation Project of the Year, C&S designed and provided construction inspection services for the $4.5 million rehabilitation of Genesee Street in the City of Auburn between Bluefield Road and North/South Street (NYS Route 34/38), a length of 1.8 miles. This corridor connects the western city limit with the Downtown Business Improvement District.

In keeping with complete streets design methodology, not only was motor vehicle traffic addressed, but also accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists and on-street parking. Elements included in the project scope consist of one and two course mill with asphalt overlay, sidewalk and curb ramp reconstruction, upgrades to nine  traffic signals, access improvements at thirty intersections, drainage improvements, sign and pavement marking renewal, decorative cross-walks, water and sanitary sewer utility replacement, landscape  plantings, and introduction of back-in angled parking.

Genesee curbGeneseeGenesee roadinfo