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EJ Forge Facility Expansion

EJ is the global leader in the de­sign, manufacture, and distribution of access solutions for the world’s growing infrastructure (water and sewer, drainage, telecommunica­tion, and utility projects).

After outgrowing its existing facility, EJ began looking for new parcels to build on. The company selected a 16-acre, undeveloped parcel in the Oswego County Industrial Park. C&S provided preliminary engi­neering services, wetland permit­ting, detailed design, and construction services.

The new facility consolidates manufacturing, engineering, and sales and distribution operations, leading to improved efficiencies. It consists of a 70,000-square-foot fabrication area which will produce steel, reticuline drainage frames, grates, steel and aluminum hatches. A two-story office is also located at the front of the facility.

Autodesk Revit Building Informa­tion Modeling (BIM) software was used to model the project, and Navisworks models were used to review progress during the design Detailed coordination was required to ensure EJ’s dust collection sys­tems fit efficiently. A wetland in-lieu fee program offset the required mitigation on the project site. C&S constructed the project using a partnership with Nucor Building Systems for the metal building portion of the project.

Interior constructionExterior under constructionInterior constructionInterior construction
Interior construction