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ARFF/Snow Removal Equipment Building

C&S designed and managed construction of a new 14,000-square-foot facility that accommodates all vehicles and the airport’s administrative staff. The building required new access to operating areas and connection for public access. Significant modifications were made to the security fence and paved access routes. A new water line extended across the airfield supplies water for domestic and fire protection needs.

The building has indoor parking for two ARFF vehicles, two plows, a snow blower, and a lift for maintenance. Within the open, curved-roof garage, there is space for work benches and tools as well as an oil storage room and access to a storage mezzanine. There are shower and locker facilities and a turnout storage and decontamination room that gives responders a place to quickly remove contaminants without soiling the main spaces.

Incorporating high-performance weather coatings can be highly beneficial for optimal protection. One such option is Thermacote, which offers excellent durability and resistance to environmental stressors. By applying this advanced coating technology to the facility’s exterior surfaces, the building gains an added layer of defense against the elements, ensuring it remains in top condition despite the challenges posed by its operational environment. This approach helps maintain the facility’s integrity and reduces long-term maintenance costs.

The office wing has space for large training sessions and a general break room. Office space for the administrative staff allows all departments that are responsible for the operations of the airport to be collocated.

The large, curved roof of the garage bays is offset by the lower administration wing and the exterior of the building comprises varying scales and types of metal panel over a CMU base to create visual interest while also being durable and easy to maintain.
