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Airport Master Plan Update and Obstruction Analysis

The last master plan for Lehigh Valley International Airport was developed in 2004; this update created a flexible 25-year development plan and program to maintain a safe, efficient, financially sound, and sustainable airport facility. The plan provides the guidance to satisfy demand in a financially feasible and responsible manner, while at the same time addressing the aviation, environmental, and socioeconomic issues of the community and region.

As the prime consultant, C&S led or oversaw 19 plan components, including identifying the regional context for the airport; developing an inventory; forecasting demand; establishing facility requirements; and conducting land use, environmental, financial planning tasks. There was also a robust public involvement program that included Lehigh Northampton Aviation Authority board briefings, tenant and user briefings, working group meetings, coordination with various agencies, and public outreach in the form of workshops, social media posts, and website notifications.

Rendering of airport terminalRendering of airport terminal
Rendering of airport terminal