Moulton Elected to Association of California Airports Board of Directors

Congratulations to Kelly Moulton, who was recently elected to serve as a Corporate Director on the Association of California Airports (ACA) Board of Directors for a two-year term. She was elected at the recent ACA 2020 Virtual Conference.
The ACA represents both publicly- and privately-owned airports in the state of California and organizations and individuals working to foster, promote, and develop the air transportation system through the dissemination of aeronautical information, the consideration of solutions of various airport and aviation problems, and the fostering of public recognition of airports and the airport management profession.

Kelly is a Director of Aviation with C&S. She has more than 16 years of aviation planning, environmental, FAA compliance and development experience. Providing aviation consulting services to airports across the country, her technical background includes airport master plans, airport layout plans, land use and facility planning, environmental planning, regional system planning, sustainability planning, FAA grant coordination, alternative project delivery and airport capital improvement planning. As a former airport employee, Kelly brings the unique perspective and insights of having worked at airports of varying sizes and types of facilities.