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C&S provides an integrated services approach to planning, drawing on our depth of expertise across all disciplines while using sustainability and resiliency as a lens to ensure environmental, social and economic factors are considered. Collaboration, with our clients, stakeholders and the broader community, is the core of our services establishing lines of communication, providing awareness and education, and facilitating consensus on priorities.  Our plans are future-focused and visionary while balancing aspiration with pragmatism and being implementable.

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Aviation Planning

At C&S, we take a holistic approach to aviation planning that considers more than just mandated requirements, integrating important factors like sustainability, business planning, and funding opportunities, among others. More about our Aviation Planning services can be found here.

Campus Planning

C&S takes an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to campus planning. Our team’s strength comes from the fact that we provide planning, design, and construction services allowing us to understand a project’s life cycle. Using sustainability as a lens, planners engage a broad range of stakeholders to develop a planning framework for a functional and attractive environment to support the academic mission.  C&S’s acknowledgment of the importance of the relationship between the campus and its surrounding community as well as our customized approach to data collection and analysis ensures that plans are achievable.

Community Planning

At C&S we understand how sound community planning can shape communities into resilient places that experience decades of vitality. For this reason, C&S pulls from its planning, environmental, and market analysis services to create tool kits and develop strategies that focus on enhancing existing community assets while striving for new opportunities to provide stability and economic opportunities.

Our planning professionals have diverse backgrounds within the private and public sectors which allows our team to provide meaningful solutions when facing challenges. Our goal is to provide planning services that integrates community engagement into every step.

We have led and consulted on several planning programs including:

  • Brownfield Opportunity Area Plans
  • Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Plans
  • Comprehensive Plans
  • Strategic Plans
  • Community Participation Plans and Outreach

Environmental Planning

The C&S team has experience with diverse types of planning within rural, small community, urban, and regional settings. We believe that planning is a tool to analyze complex systems and identify new opportunities that promote growth and improve the public realm. Our team views planning as a means to assist communities with future development goals as well as provide strategies to sustain a vision stemming directly from the Community and its stakeholders. Our planning addresses initiatives that directly improve quality of life for residents and visitors alike. It is our philosophy that environmental, social and economic factors should always be taken into account when developing plans that many will depend on for decades. Our environmental planning experience includes:

  • Brownfield Opportunity Area plans
  • Local Waterfront Revitalization Program plans
  • Comprehensive Planning
  • Site reuse planning
  • EPA and New York State grant writing

GIS Analysis

C&S leverages the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to provide data analysis and presentation essential to the evaluation of project alternatives and potential impacts. Our GIS staff are experts in managing orthoimagery, lidar, and large data sets for the natural and built environment as well as social and economic characteristics. An area of expertise is the development of GIS-based database/facility information management system (FIMS).

Grant Writing

Understanding that our clients have limited financial and administrative resources, C&S provides grants administration services including researching funding opportunities, grant writing, documentation and submission of reimbursement request forms. C&S has successfully secured funding for our clients at local, state and federal levels including:

  • Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) grants
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants
  • BUILD Grants
  • NYS Department of Transportation Grants
  • United States Department of Agriculture grants
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation grants
  • US Fish & Wildlife grants
  • Housing and Urban Development grants

Transportation Planning

At C&S, we recognize that transportation is about moving people, not just vehicles. We take a sustainable approach to transportation services—meeting the needs of all modes while minimizing environmental, societal, and economic impacts. Our approach ties together transportation planning and traffic engineering with land use planning and urban design.  We also have the experience to develop innovative public involvement programs that meet the needs of specific projects and communities. Our transportation planning services include:

  • Travel demand management
  • Transportation corridor studies
  • Transportation-land use relationships
  • Circulation studies
  • Parking supply and demand management studies
  • Parking management strategies
  • Bicycle and pedestrian access and mobility studies
  • Downtown and neighborhood revitalization studies

Land Use + Economics

C&S Land Use + Economics (LU + E) brings a specialized focus to the intersection of land use planning and economic analysis. As certified professional planners, our broad view and progressive approach to land use and development-related problem solving serve the interest of both project sponsors and the broader community. As economists and strategic advisors, we combine market analytics with practical knowledge of development and regulatory processes to help target market-supported opportunities and provide tools that support decision-making throughout the process and beyond.

Select services include:

  • Development & redevelopment strategy
  • Real estate market analysis
  • Decision support & advisory services
  • Economic & fiscal impact analysis
  • Financial feasibility analysis
  • Applied research & benchmarking
  • Benefit-cost analysis (BCA)
  • Land use strategy
  • Real estate portfolio review
  • Developer solicitation support
  • Marketing strategy & collateral
  • Property valuation analysis

Sustainability, Resiliency, and Equity Planning

As organizations of all types adopt more sustainable practices and set goals to improve performance, implementing a comprehensive and tailored planning process has never been more important. Sustainability planning is the underpinning of an organization’s sustainability success, whether in preparing for the impacts of climate change or enhancing outcomes for stakeholder communities. C&S uses the principles of sustainability to make the planning process more holistic, inclusive, and resilient. Our sustainability planning capabilities span the full breadth of environmental, social, and economic considerations, including:

  • Decarbonization & Climate Action Planning
  • Climate Adaptation & Resilience Planning
  • Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Planning
  • Recycling & Zero Waste Planning
  • Integration of Community and Equity Considerations
  • Sustainable Materials and Procurement Planning

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