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We look for innovative and sustainable approaches to environmental consulting. Our multidisciplined staff of environmental engineers, geologists and scientists provides comprehensive engineering and consulting services in all phases of environmental management. By taking advantage of the entire C&S team, we deliver a turnkey operation from start to finish. Our successful track record includes projects for utilities, industrial facilities, distribution centers, animal housing, green buildings, state and local governments, developers and water/wastewater utilities.

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Air Quality

Air quality issues can be time consuming and burdensome. Whether modifying an existing emission source or installing new exhausts or control equipment, determining the applicable requirements, estimating expected emissions, and obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals can be a challenge.  C&S’s air quality experts make the process understandable and less burdensome. Our capabilities include:

  • Air emission surveys to assess the compliance with federal and state regulatory requirements.
  • Permitting and registering facilities including Title V Permits, State Facility Permits and State Facility Registrations
  • Emission inventories to identify regulated sources and calculating emission rates.
  • AERSCREEN, AERMOD and AEDT modeling to estimate contaminant concentrations at points of concern to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
  • Compliance planning to need NESHAP and RACT requirements
  • Design of Air Pollution Control Systems

Environmental Planning

The C&S team has experience with diverse types of planning within rural, small community, urban, and regional settings. We believe that planning is a tool to analyze complex systems and identify new opportunities that promote growth and improve the public realm. Our team views planning as a means to assist communities with future development goals as well as provide strategies to sustain a vision stemming directly from the Community and its stakeholders. Our planning addresses initiatives that directly improve quality of life for residents and visitors alike. It is our philosophy that environmental, social and economic factors should always be taken into account when developing plans that many will depend on for decades. Our environmental planning experience includes

  • Brownfield Opportunity Area plans
  • Local Waterfront Revitalization Program plans
  • Comprehensive Planning
  • Site reuse planning
  • EPA and New York State grant writing

Brownfield Redevelopment

C&S helps transform blighted properties into integral, vibrant parts of a community, catalyzing revitalization of entire neighborhoods. We specialize in brownfield development, helping individuals, municipalities, and corporations tackle even the most vexing brownfield and contaminant issues. C&S has conducted a number of successful brownfield projects, ranging from small gas stations to large abandoned industrial sites. Our team’s brownfield expertise includes:

  • Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Remedial investigation
  • Remedial cost estimating
  • Remediation oversight
  • Post-remediation environmental site management

Environmental Due Diligence

Our team of Environmental Professionals has significant experience performing thousands of environmental site assessments throughout the country. We serve a range of clients, including government, Native American nations, industrial facilities, medical campuses, infrastructure, private developers, low-income housing developers, and Brownfield and Superfund sites. Our assessment services include:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I ESA) consistent with ASTM E1527-13, as well as USEPA Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) and,
  • Transaction Screen Processes (TSP) consistent with ASTM E1528-14, and
  • Forestland or Rural Property Assessments consistent with ASTM E2247-08.
  • Record Search with Risk Assessments (RSRA) consistent with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) SOP 50 10 5(E), Lender and Development Company Loan Programs.
  • HCR Site Suitability Forms
  • HUD Site Contamination Reviews
  • HUD Environmental Review Checklists
  • Desktop Reviews
  • Other deliveries required by HUD, HCR, OCR, Fannie Mae, ASTM

Petroleum & Chemical Bulk Storage

Facilities that handle or store oil, petroleum, or chemical products are faced with numerous ever tightening local, state, and federal fire code and environmental regulations. There is also a national push towards dynamic changes to alternative fuels to reduce emissions and dependence on oil. C&S’s in-house experts understand the codes and regulations that affect the handling and storage of these products. We also design and construct new facilities and upgrade existing facilities. Our services include:

  • Plans, reports, studies, etc. such as compliance audits, compliance binders, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, Spill Prevention Reports (SPRs), and Major Onshore Oil Facility (MOSF) services
  • Tank Closures
  • Communication with regulators
  • License and permit applications
  • Preparation of plans,  and specifications, and cost estimates
  • Preparation of project cost estimates
  • Design-build construction
  • Construction management services, including bidding assistance, construction administration and construction inspection services

Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance is the core of any environmental program. Non-compliance can lead to enforcement actions and fines that affect a company’s reputation and bottom line. We work with industrial, municipal, and educational facilities to manage applicable environmental regulations, document compliance, as well as outline inspection, record keeping, and reporting requirements. Our staff includes experts in:

  • Air quality and permitting,
  • Chemical and petroleum storage (PBS, CBS, SPCC),
  • Wastewater discharges,
  • Stormwater management (SWPPP, DMRs, SMRs, SPDES, NPDES),
  • Water withdrawal,
  • Wetland permitting,
  • Solid and hazardous waste management,
  • Emergency planning and community right-to-know (EPCRA – Tier II Reporting, TRI / Form R Reporting).
  • ISO and EMS

Environmental Impact Assessments

C&S’s environmental impact analysis projects have also included categorical exclusions (CATEXs) and environmental assessments (EAs). Our diverse environmental and engineering professionals have extensive experience with the elements related to environmental impact analyses. Our specialties include wildlife assessments, SEQR, NEPA, wetland surveys, traffic impacts assessments, noise, and air and water quality impactsC&S’s environmental impact analysis projects have also included categorical exclusions (CATEXs) and environmental assessments (EAs). Our diverse environmental and engineering professionals have extensive experience with the elements related to environmental impact analyses. Our specialties include wildlife assessments, wetland surveys, traffic impacts assessments, noise, and air and water quality impacts C&S’s environmental impact analysis projects have also included categorical exclusions (CATEXs) and environmental assessments (EAs). Our diverse environmental and engineering professionals have extensive experience with the elements related to environmental impact analyses. Our specialties include wildlife assessments, wetland surveys, traffic impacts assessments, noise, and air and water quality impacts.

Energy Support Services

Today’s energy and resources sector is focused on establishing cost-effective, reliable, sustainable, and secure supplies. Often, energy and resource development projects are forced to integrate a complex matrix of factors, including ever-changing market conditions, stakeholder involvement, stringent regulatory requirements, sustainable infrastructure design, and challenging  economics and schedules. C&S has the capabilities and experience to partner with clients to tackle these challenges and deliver efficient and competitive projects using a range of project delivery options. We support oil and gas, mining, alternative/renewable energy, power generation, and downstream utilities. Our services include:

  • Permitting and regulatory compliance support
  • Civil site/stormwater permitting and design
  • Local approval and compliance support
  • Infrastructure design (buildings, buried infrastructure, etc), including LEED/ENVISION
  • Program management
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Incentives and funding assistance and grant writing
  • Waste-to-energy systems


Today’s energy and resources sector is focused on establishing cost-effective, reliable, sustainable, and secure supplies. Often, energy and resource development projects are forced to integrate a complex matrix of factors, including ever-changing market conditions, stakeholder involvement, stringent regulatory requirements, sustainable infrastructure design, and challenging  economics and schedules. C&S has the capabilities and experience to partner with clients to tackle these challenges and deliver efficient and competitive projects using a range of project delivery options. We support oil and gas, mining, alternative/renewable energy, power generation, and downstream utilities. Our services include:

  • Permitting and regulatory compliance support
  • Civil site/stormwater permitting and design
  • Local approval and compliance support
  • Infrastructure design (buildings, buried infrastructure, etc), including LEED/ENVISION
  • Program management
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Incentives and funding assistance and grant writing
  • Waste-to-energy systems

Wetlands and Ecological

C&S’s scientists are highly adept at managing aquatic and terrestrial issues which allows projects to proceed while minimizing impacts to the environment. We specialize in natural resource management related to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and various state and local regulations. Field surveys, including those for state or federally listed rare, threatened, or endangered species (RTE), are required for many development projects. The regulatory climate concerning natural resource protection is constantly changing. C&S’s staff of natural resource professionals stay current with the evolving regulatory landscape.

  • Wetland and waterway delineation reports and surveys
  • Wetland and waterway jurisdictional determinations
  • RTE screenings, surveys, and impact analysis
  • Informal and formal ESA consultation
  • Section 404/401 and various state permit acquisition
  • ESA, CWA, MBTA mitigation plan development, and post-construction monitoring

Hazardous Building Materials

Hazardous building materials are highly regulated by state and federal government agencies and can be a challenging component to any renovation or demolition project. Our extensive knowledge of state and federal regulations coupled with our sound technical approaches on a per project basis creates high quality, cost-effective solutions for our clients. Our team of environmental professionals has significant experience performing hazardous building material services. Our hazardous building material services include:

  • Hazardous Material Pre-Demolition Surveys
  • Hazardous Material Pre-Renovation Surveys
  • Hazardous Material Abatement Design Specifications / Drawings
  • Asbestos Abatement Project Monitoring & Air Sampling
  • Lead-Based Paint Inspections / Assessments
  • PCB Inspections / Assessment
  • Mold Inspections / Assessments
  • Radon Inspections / Assessments

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