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C&S was founded more than 50 years ago on our solid engineering capabilities. We can complete all aspects of any design project with our in-house engineers. Our knowledge of regulatory requirements allows C&S to take a project from conceptualization through construction in any location. We deliver full-service engineering to municipalities, developers, public authorities, industry, aviation, public-private partnerships, and private clients of every size.

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C&S designs all aspects of airfield infrastructure, including airfield pavements, access roadways, drainage, lighting, signage, fencing, structures, navaids, and more. We design rehabilitations and new construction of runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking aprons using both bituminous and Portland cement concrete. We have the capability to manage all sizes of pavement projects—from reconstruction of entire runways at hub facilities to small aprons at general aviation airports and everything in between.


From single lane rural roads to interstate highways and everything in between, C&S’s highway department performs aspects of planning and design services, including traffic analysis, pavement design, and detailing of any infrastructure elements associated with roads—drainage, signs, pavement markings, erosion control, stormwater treatment, guiderailing, traffic signals, lighting, retaining walls, curbing, sidewalks, landscaping, driveways, parking facilities, fencing, barriers, railroad crossings, and utilities. We emphasize multi-modal pedestrian-friendly facilities that conform with ADAAG and PROWAG accessibility requirements, keeping with the trend toward complete streets that provide safe passage for all users. One of our specialties is trails for non-motorized travel. We combine paved thoroughfares of all sizes with ecologically minded features that protect and sustain the environment.

Site Development

C&S helps clients turn their vision for a new site into reality. We work closely with commercial, industrial, retail, institutional, residential, and municipal development teams from initial site selection to design and construction. Our land development services include due diligence; preliminary engineering and entitlement processing; zoning and site approvals; presenting at public hearings; environmental issues/CEQA; designing grading, site utilities, parking layouts, roadway improvements and mapping; inspection, and construction management services. We have excellent working relationships with representatives from regulatory and permitting agencies that help facilitate timely and efficient project reviews and approvals. C&S has years of experience assisting developers and municipalities with their infrastructure management, including the investigation, analysis, rehabilitation, design, and construction observation of public and private developments.


Our specialized navaids and electrical systems engineers have designed installations for all types of airfield lighting and navigational systems, including runway and taxiway edge lighting; LED lighting; in-pavement edge, centerline, and touchdown zone lights; guidance signs; visual aids such as REIL and PAPI systems; and instrument landing systems. These projects have included all related electrical power distribution, controls, equipment installations, and stand-alone airfield electrical buildings. In addition, we design emergency power systems, including stand-by generators and transfer equipment. We have designed airfield signage and marking plans and designed runway and taxiway lighting systems at nearly 100 airport facilities. We know the rules, what systems work best, and can expedite the process.

Electrical Infrastructure

C&S provides full-service electrical infrastructure engineering and planning. We have extensive experience in electrical substations up to 115kV and electrical distribution systems up to 34.5kV. We provide substation design and analysis, overhead and underground distribution design, short circuit studies, coordina­tion studies, arc flash studies, load flow studies, ground grid analysis and design, harmonic analysis, and electrical commis­sioning agent services. We use state-of-the-art modeling software that allows us to develop one-line diagrams that can be used for computer analysis. These models can be used to analyze potential modifications to the electrical distribution system to determine the performance of the system, generating significant cost savings.

Fire Alarm & Code Analysis

C&S addresses all facets of fire protection—from initial consultation, code analysis, and analysis to detailed system design.

  • Fire protection code compliance studies and system evaluations
  • Building life safety analysis
  • Code consulting

Lighting Design

C&S’s has developed a standard approach to lighting upgrades for energy savings. Field work is conducted to evaluate existing lighting systems and components. New lighting is selected by design professionals with the owner’s needs and goals in mind. C&S has nationally certified lighting professionals, as well as interior designers on staff to ensure all lighting upgrades are both energy efficient and architecturally pleasing to the owner.

Low Voltage (Communications/Data/Security)

Technology is the cornerstone of the built environment, significantly improving and impacting available services and the quality of an experience. C&S has the knowledge and expertise to implement technology solutions for today’s business and educational environments. We have experience in communications master planning, backbone and horizontal distribution systems, telecommunications rooms, network architecture, wireless networks, cable television systems, public address systems, clock systems, video projection systems, smart and high technology classrooms/conference rooms, auditorium sound systems, assistive listening systems, courtroom sound and recording systems, intercom systems, conventional and IP (Internet Protocol) telephony, patient nurse call and wandering systems, and infant abduction systems.


C&S’s electrical team brings broad and deep knowledge and experience to the design and solution of each project. Whether it is a single production motor, motor control center, building distribution, back up power generation, variable speed drives, or evaluation of an existing electrical system, we have a solid understanding of all types of systems. Our expertise includes power consumption studies, power factor, short circuit analysis, coordination studies, and arc flash analysis, as well as standby and emergency power generation from 50KW to 5000KW, including automatic and manual transfer systems.


We maximize every available resource to achieve energy reduction, cost-management, and environmental sustainability goals. Our experts evaluate existing energy infrastructure and usage from point of procurement to final consumption using unique approaches to traditional solutions. We help clients realize the full benefits of renewable energy—with affordable, reliable, green energy projects that modernize facilities, reduce carbon footprints, and energize stakeholders. We can adapt existing systems to make them more energy-efficient and/or develop new “showcase” renewable projects. C&S has significant experience with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and is a Flexible Technical Assistance (FlexTech) program consultant.

Fuel Facilities

C&S assists airports with aircraft and ground maintenance equipment fueling needs, including planning, permitting, design, and construction of various types of fuel facilities. We are familiar with the codes that govern the environmental, fire protection, and fuel quality issues associated with the storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids. C&S has specific experience with self-service fueling systems, a feature that can boost a facility’s revenue and attract new business. Other features we have incorporated into airport fuel facilities include: multi-purpose facilities (e.g., combined aviation and automotive fuels); shop and field fabricated storage tanks; above and below ground installations; and fire protection systems.


Because of the specialized needs of industrial facilities, C&S has a dedicated group of process engineers, architects, and construction staff devoted to this area. Our in-house experience encompasses system evaluations, process modifications, new process design, and energy conservation measures. We understand the unique challenges faced by the industry and help our clients by improving manufacturing processes to support their business needs. C&S helps our industrial clients maximize their assets and find cost-effective solutions to improving safety, operations, and efficiencies.

Fire Protection

C&S designs and implements health, safety, and fire protection systems, standards, and policies with the mission is the prevention of fire, health/safety issues and the protection of life and property through sound and innovative life safety engineering. Our specialized group of engineers have decades of education, training, and experience in fire prevention, fire protection, health, safety, and emergency management. We have designed wet sprinkler, dry sprinkler, standpipes, clean agent and foam suppression, carbon monoxide detection and fire detection systems, monitoring, retrofits and new systems. Whether your life safety design challenges are simple or very complex, our cadre of professionals have the technical capabilities and real world experience to make your facilities safe and secure to protect your greatest assets—your people.


Our mechanical engineers provide new design and retrofit of all mechanical systems. Services provided include air distribution systems, temperature control, air filtration, heating, ventilation and cooling systems, fuel and power systems, and distribution and piping.


The plumbing professionals at C&S have decades of experience and advanced education in their field. Our engineers provide a broad range of services, no matter how critical or complicated your facility’s plumbing needs. C&S addresses all facets of plumbing engineering with the ultimate goal of providing a sound solution for the facility through the most economical means. C&S provides both site and interior plumbing services for building types such as offices, laboratories, campuses, dormitories, and maintenance facilities.​​​​


C&S provides engineering, architectural, planning, and construction management services for the rail, highway, port, and aviation industries. Since 1968, C&S’s diverse group of experts have served the needs of the railroad industry. Our professionals provide the crucial inspection and design services that freight, passenger railroads, and railroad served industry require.

  • Develop and Support Railroad Bridge Management Programs
  • Fixed Structure Inspection Services
  • Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal Program Planning (Long and Short Range)
  • Construction Support/Construction Management
  • Environmental Assessment and Remediation
  • Public Works Projects
  • Rail Modernization Projects
  • Industrial Facility Design and Construction Support

Sound Attenuation

C&S and our QuieterHome and QuieterSchool Programs are known nationwide for our outstanding program and construction management capabilities. Our 26-year track record includes experience with more than 20 noise mitigation programs, including more than 20,000 successfully treated homes and dozens of schools and houses of worship. Addressing the impact of increased aircraft noise on an airport’s surrounding community is no small task. With that in mind, C&S designed our approach to help clients sensitively turn that challenge into a solution. Our program management capabilities take the burden off of our clients, enhancing the level of service that residents receive while strengthening ties among residents, the airport, and local agencies. We see projects through from initiation to construction closeout, keeping clients informed at all stages of the process.


The C&S Bridge Team works closely with our clients as a trusted partner to deliver full service design and administration for their critical infrastructure projects. Our dedicated experts work effectively with local governments and major state transportation agencies and authorities, whether for replacement of a county culvert or complex bridge replacement on the expansive Interstate 81 Viaduct Project in the City of Syracuse. From decades of practical experience, we are intimately familiar with the locally administered federal aid (LAFA) design and administration processes as well as state agency standards.

Our wide range of design capabilities includes:

  • Bridge Inspection
  • Load Rating
  • Bridge Replacement
  • Bridge Rehabilitation
  • Culvert Replacement
  • Culvert Lining
  • Large Retaining Walls
  • Pedestrian/Trail Bridges
  • Port Seawall Design
  • Diagnostic Load Testing
  • Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bridges
  • Airport Tunnels


The structural engineering professionals at C&S work with a wide range of clients and project sizes from jib crane analysis to the structural framing for a complex building system. We use the latest design and analysis software, so we are more efficient and have an increased level of quality control. Our structural engineers incorporate BIM into REVIT models, allowing clients to view and understand the framing and all interrelated components in three dimensions. Our projects include new building foundations and superstructures, including steel, concrete, timber, masonry, and cold formed light gauge metal; analysis of existing structures and buildings; failure investigations; seismic retrofit; structural inspections; load ratings; retaining walls; headwalls; piers; docks; HVAC support systems; bridge crane; jib crane; and hoist designs.


C&S’s dedicated team of traffic engineers and transportation planners includes Professional Traffic Operations Engineers (PTOE) and members of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). We offer:

  • Intersection improvement design
  • Traffic calming
  • Access management
  • Traffic simulation
  • Traffic signal design and coordination
  • Accident/safety studies
  • Traffic impact studies

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