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C&S Recognized with First-Ever ACEC NY DEI&B Award

C&S was recently recognized with the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of New York’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI & B) Award. The awards were given for the first time this year to good standing members of the organization that have launched a program or initiative to attract, hire, and promote personal and professional growth opportunities for women, people of color, LGBTQ+ persons and other underrepresented people in the engineering industry.

Aileen Maguire Meyer (far left) accepts the DEI&B Award for C&S

C&S established its IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness) Alliance, a volunteer group that has grown to about 60 employees, in 2020. The group’s goal is to promote personal and professional growth by cultivating and sustaining a safe and inclusive atmosphere where everyone can feel a sense of belonging. “We are honored to receive this award recognizing the efforts of the IDEA Alliance as we continue on our journey to make C&S a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplace,” said Aileen Maguire Meyer, one of the group’s key members. The IDEA Alliance progresses its initiatives in seven focus areas that include: community collaboration, culture, leadership, mentoring & advocacy, recruiting & retention, training & education, and supplier diversity.

ACEC New York is a proactive coalition representing nearly 300 member firms who engage in every discipline of engineering related to the built environment including civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, and geotechnical. The group’s work involves advocating, education, providing networking opportunities and enhancing the image of the industry.