C&S Wins Six ACEC New York 2021 Engineering Excellence Awards
C&S Companies is proud to announce that six of firm’s projects were honored with awards by the American Council of Engineering Companies, New York Chapter, in their annual Engineering Excellence competition.

Diamond Award—Volpi Manufacturing Space Renovation and Repurposing
Volpi USA makes high tech optical sensors for the medical imaging industry. A complete renovation was needed to separate “clean” manufacturing from “dirty” manufacturing to ensure better quality control in final assembly due to production process flow being not efficient. C&S was tasked with a complete redesign and repurposing of the manufacturing plant floor spaces. Entire manufacturing processes were relocated and the renovation required several phases to minimize impact to production. Through this entire project, this facility continued to manufacture the high tech components maintaining production capacity.

Gold Award—Creekwalk Phase II
Phase II of the Syracuse Creekwalk adds 2.3 miles to the current urban trail within the city of Syracuse, totaling 4.5 miles. Paralleling Onondaga Creek, Phase II starts in the city’s Southside neighborhood and ends at Armory Square at the city’s core. This project is an additional step forming the spine of an interconnected network of trails that will connect the city of Syracuse with the “Loop the Lake” and “Canal” trails. Trail users now have a direct and safe walking and biking route that covers fully 2/3 of the City, and experience nature in the heart of the city, with views of historic buildings and interconnections to city neighborhoods.

Gold Award—Albany Airport Terminal Amenities
Since being constructed in 1990, the Albany International Airport’s terminal building had undergone some minor renovations and expansions. While the terminal was designed for efficient passenger flow, the general aesthetic had remained unchanged and was somewhat dated. The $9.7 million interior terminal amenities renovation and modernization project sought to reflect the excitement, diversity, and power of creativity that exists in the city and the region the airport serves. Through the planning, design, and construction administration of this project, C&S fashioned an environment that recognizes the needs of today’s air traveler, while creating positive passenger experiences of sight, improved wayfinding, and modern architectural elements.

Gold Award—Former ANSCO Camera Factory Brownfield Cleanup Project
Paulus Development purchased the Former ANSCO Camera Factory Site to perform a historic rehabilitation to create a mixed-use development that includes market-rate apartments and commercial space. C&S assisted with the entry of the Site into the NYSDEC Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). The BCP provides a framework for the remediation of contaminated properties, as well as tax credits and a release of liability for future contamination issues. C&S designed a remedial program that meets NYSDEC’s Track 4 cleanup requirements. Without the BCP, the redevelopment of the Site would not have been feasible.

Silver Award—Ithaca Airport Passenger Terminal Improvements
This $26 million, 15,600-square-foot terminal expansion and renovation addressed congestion and improved circulation at the pre-security areas of the 26-year-old facility. Larger passenger boarding and waiting areas and a variety of passenger amenities were also incorporated. Without these upgrades, commercial air service and economic growth would be limited, reducing long-term financial gains and depleting County resources to manage airport operational costs. An aggressive project schedule of 15 months met a deadline associated with a portion of the construction funding. C&S completed design for both phases in under six months.

Silver Award—Ontario Street Bridge over Irondequoit Creek
With the ever-increasing demands placed on local governments to maintain essential services under tightening budgets, the engineering industry must continue providing innovative, cost-effective solutions to complicated site constraints and operational requirements. No project exemplifies these challenges better than the Ontario Street Bridge Replacement Project in the Village of East Rochester. This bridge provides the only access to the Village’s DPW yard, and was the worst rated bridge in NYSDOT Region 4. By using new and innovative technologies, working closely with a myriad of affected utilities, and understanding the importance of continuous access to the DPW, C&S developed a cost-effective, maintenance-free bridge solution that could be constructed while allowing the Village to carry out their essential duties without interruption.
ACEC New York is a proactive coalition of almost 300 firms representing every discipline of engineering related to the built environment—civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, geotechnical—and affiliated companies. The Engineering Excellence Awards are presented to projects that encompass both the public and private sector. The projects are judged on a rigorous set of criteria, which includes complexity, innovation and value to society.